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Player Information

The Player Information window shows basic information when available. It draws upon the spelling.ssp file, and includes Ratings, Country of Origin, Official Titles and even Photos.

Please use with caution. The names it contains may not be unique, and player initials may be incorrectly identified. Mainline SCID uses a more specific name match algorithm - which is less useful - but also less likely to make erroneous matches. The larger ratings.ssp file (which may be substituted), includes FIDE IDs and biographical data which help clarify unique players.

Also displayed are statistics about success with white and black, favorite openings (by ECO code), and rating history. All percentages displayed are an expected score (success rate), from the player's perspective -- so higher is always better for the player, whether they are White or Black. Clicking the numbers displayed in green will set the filter according to the statistic it represents.


You can see a player's rating history by pressing Rating Graph , and perform rating assignments.

There are also buttons to help browse similar Player Names, perform name substitutions in the whole (or part) database, or run the Player Report feature.

Right-clicking shows a menu of recently viewed players.

Player Photos

To enable player photos, place Scid Photo Files (such as "FIDE.spf" from Scid download page), into Scid vs. PC's user directory. On Linux and Macs this is "$HOME/.scidvspc", or "Scid vs PC/bin" on Windows. The Splash Window will help you find it's location, and will also indicate if the photo files have been loaded correctly.

Custom gifs can be placed into a "photos" directory beneath the user dir. They should preferably be 100x100, with the file name being the same as the player it portrays. Eg - a photo for Magnus should be placed in 'photos/Carlsen, Magnus.gif'. These photos will override any found in the .spf files.

Once installed, available player photos are shown in the game information widget. Clicking on the photos makes them smaller. To disable them, deselect Options--> Game Information--> Show Photos.