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The Game List

The Game List shows all filter games in the currently open database/PGN file.

The Gamelist (and Bestgames) now have the option of configurable fonts. They are enabled via a context menu in the Switcher, and the font type is "Small".

Below the Game List are various buttons and entries, and at the bottom you'll find the Database Switcher.

Clicking a game will select it. Select multiple games using Control+Click and Shift+Click. Right-clicking game(s) shows a context menu for various actions. Double-clicking loads a game.

Right-clicking a Column Title allows one to add columns or reorder them ('add' also repositions a column), or change the text left-right formatting.

Quick searches can be performed by entering text in the combobox and pressing Enter, or clicking the Filter button. Use "+" as a logical AND with Filter, eg "Kasparov+Karpov". Similarly, the entrybox allows finding a particular game by number. Both these widgets will load the current game by pressing Control+Enter.

To see games matching the current position, set 'adjust filter' in the Tree window. This also changes the 'Moves' column to show subsequent game moves. For more info about Searches and Filters, see here or below.

Sorting the Game List

The database can be permanently sorted by clicking column titles. Sorting is not undoable, and may (marginally) affect search and tree performance. For more details see Sorting Database.

Filtered and Deleted Games

Scid has two notions of removed games, which can be confusing.

The first is Filtered Games. In the Game List widget, right-clicking some games and selecting Remove will remove those games from the filter. They will disappear from the Game List, but can easily be seen again by reseting the filter with Reset. Filtering games has no effect on the database.

Deleted games on the other hand, are not removed from the Game List. They are simply marked as deleted, and no further action is taken until the database is compacted - whence they will be permanently deleted from the database. This can be done by the Compact button, or from the maintenance window.

The Game List only deletes (up to) a page of games at a time. Deleting or manipulating ALL filtered games, is done from the Maintenance window.

The default database (Clipbase) cannot be compacted.

Moving Games

Scid vs PC now enables basic game moving/reordering (on single games) via the gamelist context menu.

Please use with caution, and backup databases before use. Reordering games involves writing the index file in an non-atomic manor. For short distances, only a few writes are made, but longer moves involve rewriting much of the index file in-place, and interuption may cause data loss.



Other Features

The current gamelist may be exported as text from ScidvsPC's Tools-> ExportFilter menu.

Browsing and Merging Single Games

From the Gamelist context menu, one may Browse a game. This is a game preview which displays in a separate window, without comments or variations.

From this preview, one may Merge the game back into the current one as a variation. The merge starts from where the games differ (taking transpositions into account), and you can change the last move number to be merged, according to whether you are interested in adding the whole game or just its next few moves.

Next/Previous games can be loaded by Control+Down/Up keys. The board size can be resized by Control+Wheelmouse or Control+Shift+Left/Right.

To automatically show the last move, select Search-> FilterToLastMove - though the shown ply is also affected by the Tree Window (if open).

Browsing Multiple Games

Scid vs PC can also browse multiple games (in a grid format) via right-clicking a selection of games. Left/Right/Home/End keys will walk through a game. Double-click or Control+Enter will load the game. 'f' flips the board. Control+Wheel mouse resizes the boards (default board size is determined by Options-> FICS-> BoardSize). Control+Delete toggles Delete (indicated by a greyed Game Number).

Pressing Control-Left/Right will progress all boards forward or back, similarly Control+Home/End will show all start/end positions.

This feature is also available for the Tree Best Games widget.